Thursday, 9 December 2010

Social TV is coming to whatever screen you happen to have handy

I was at a Social TV event tonight at BAFTA and one interesting thought the panel mentioned was that a US network recently dropped 2 of its day time soaps because Facebook has cannabilized their daytime audience.

They also mentioned that the social gaming market is mainly middle aged women from the mid-west playing farmville and the many other resouce allocation games being created for FB and other social sites.

How long will it be before Farmville style games built as interactive TV shows take over the daytime TV slots?

I think the important thing is that however they do it, you can view it & interact with it via your TV, Mobile, Tablet, Laptop or all at once....whatever the user wants.

Ariel Emanuel Web 2.0 summit "thoughts on the content value in the digital space"

Thursday, 2 December 2010

What Netflix v's Cable pay for Movie content

Netflix pays Starz the equivalent of 15 cents per sub per month while the cable guys pay 2 thats gotta hurt when your losing cable subs and watching Netflix mushroom.